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Lindsey Middleton

Fort Collins, CO


MS (in progress), Journalism and Media Communication, CSU

Focus: science communication

Thesis topic: Communicating at the Science-Policy Interface

BS/BA, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and Journalism and Technical Communication, CSU (completed 2015)

Certificate of Environmental Affairs
Minor: Spanish


Research Experience

  • Research affiliate, North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (2018-2019): Sustaining Stakeholder Engagement and Evaluation

  • ArcGIS Assistant, GIS mapping and snow survey data collection, toward Adam Johnson thesis (2015): Snowmelt and rainfall runoff in burned and unburned catchments at the intermittent-persistent snow transition, Colorado Front Range


Professional Experience

  • GTA, Recitation leader (25 students), Professional and Technical Communication (JTC 300), 2019-20 

  • Guest lecturer, topic: Graphics, Professional and Technical Communication (75 students), 2019 

  • Workshop leader (see Presentations) 

Certificates and Awards

  • 2019 - Communicating at the Science-Policy Interface (Colloquium) 

  • 2018 - A New Spin on Co-Production: Communicating at the Know-Do Interface (Graduate Climate Conference) 

  • 2016 - Communicating with the Media workshop (National Climate Science Centers Student and Early Career Training)

  • Research, science translation, editing, writing, photography, design 

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